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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Twittering Away

As many of you who follow me on the blog here know, I have been experimenting with Twitter. My last post about it indicated that I was less than enthused with the medium; I compared it to a fad like a pet rock or a friendship bracelet. This may still prove to be true, but I have been using it with increasing frequency and beginning to see the value in it.

I hate to admit it, but I am now operating two accounts! This is probably absolute madness but there is a method to it. The first account is related to my personal activity and is geared towards me and my Vann Group persona. The second account is for NextUp Careers, our new venture that I posted about the other day. This account is designed to promote NextUp within the Reliability & Predictive Maintenance industry that we are a part of.

So far, I have found this account to be far more useful and fun because I am engaging in a specific community. In doing so, we have a targeted audience that we are communicating with and we are able to promote our service in a way that generates awareness of our activity for those who are generally interested in it. In total, we have attracted 43 followers in the past week and adding more everyday.

What I am also finding out is that twittering on some level is just the random thoughts in your head that you decide to communicate to others whether because you have a need/purpose, or just because you can't help yourself. I find a couple of beers helps!

I'll continue to keep you updated on my twitter adventures, and if you have joined the fad, go ahead and follow me. I'll be sure to reciprocate.

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